Durand Union Station Model Railroad Engineers, Inc.
About Us
The Durand Union Station Model Railroad Engineers, Inc. (DUSMRE) is a 501(c)(3) Educational Non – Profit Organization founded in 1990. We are supported by membership dues, donations, fundraising, and available grant opportunities. DUSMRE serves all, especially those who have an appreciation of model railroading and railroading history.
Our Mission
The purpose of the DUSMRE is to promote, stimulate, foster and encourage by all manner and means the art and craft of model railroading and the preservation of the history, science and technology thereof.
DUSMRE Hours of Operation:
Member Work Sessions: Monday & Friday 7pm - 9pm
Trains Operating: Saturdays, 11am - 5pm & Select Sundays, 12pm - 4pm.
***Contact us on our Facebook Page or by Email to confirm Sunday Operations.***